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Version: 1.5.0

Rule Definition

Each rule in the rules array is an object with the following properties:

What is Validation Rules?

The rules in the validateRequestBody middleware define a set of criteria used to validate the data in an incoming request body. Each rule specifies conditions that the data must meet to be considered valid. Here’s a detailed breakdown of what these rules are and how they work:

Purpose of Rules

The purpose of these rules is to ensure that the request body of incoming HTTP requests adheres to certain standards and expectations. This helps to prevent errors, ensure data integrity, and enforce consistency across the application.

Components of a Rule

Each rule is an object that contains the following properties:

Validation Rules

typestring or string[]Yes
minnumber or objectNo
maxnumber or objectNo

Detailed Information


Identifies which field in the request body is being validated.


Specifies the expected data type for the value of the key. The value must match one of the types provided.
Valid types include string, number, boolean, array, object, email, url, custom-regex, or custom-function.
You can provide a single type or an array of types; validation will succeed if the value matches any of the provided types.


Indicates whether the key is mandatory in the request body. If true, the key must be present; if false or omitted, the key is optional.


Sets the minimum allowed length or value for the key's value. This can be useful for strings, arrays, and numbers. It can also be an object with different minimum values for different types.


Sets the maximum allowed length or value for the key's value. Similar to min, it applies to strings, arrays, and numbers. It can also be an object with different maximum values for different types.


Defines a regular expression that the value must match if it is a string. Useful for format validation like emails or phone numbers.

Custom Validator

Allows for custom validation logic beyond the built-in types and constraints. The function should return an error message if validation fails or null/undefined if it passes.